Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Hate B*E*T

I hate B*E*T...Yesterday, while I was wasting my life away waiting on So Far Gone to drop... get it here {I teared up on a couple of songs...that happens to me a lot}... I broke down and watched B*E*T even though I hate that fuckin station {I'll tell you why in a later blog} because it was showing Why Do Fools Fall in Love and I couldn't pass up that opportunity.
While watching the station I found a whole 'nother reason why I can't stand the shit...every commercial is 10 min long {seriously, I timed it} and every commercial is Kool Aid and AIDS/HIV commercial...You get thirsty and you feel guilty/cautious/curious...NOT somethin I wanna feel Thank You Very Much.

By the way, I saw this coonery while I was watchin' B*E*T...made me throw up in my mouth a little can't tell me that ain't some bullshit


Jai. said...

Yeah I sadly ended up watching 106th and Park during the So Far Gone wait and couldnt watch it any longer than 15 min. lol

But I HATE that commercial! It's like okay, we get it, Black ppl like Kool-Aid. But this nigga has on J's and he is the team captain. lol He prob. got the game ball too. lol So sad.


Lizzy said...

Oh wow!!! Look at how coonery makes money!!! SMH!!!