Tuesday, October 20, 2009

process of life

There's those that can break up/leave a relationship & keep it pushin w/out delay.

But then its those that go thru the dreadful stages.

The 5 Bitches
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance

So me and my roomie were talking about how I'm going thru them and I think so far I doing pretty good,lol.
Denial-I can't believe he can just throw 14 years down the drain. (not together for 14 but friendships in my eyes are relationships) WHO does that?

Anger-I hate that he wanted me to give up on him. I hate he was such a lil punta and gave up.

Bargaining- I wont kill you if you die first.

Depression-Where dey do that at? I just go spend money I dont have ;/

Acceptance-When I find you blowing up my phone and I can successfully send you to voicemail.

So yeah on that point I think I'm doin pretty good..lol../

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