So I have time to tell you the extensive story of why I think my roommate is going to kill me in my sleep... I'm going to change names to save my live.
I have 3 roommates, we're gonna call them Sarah, Patricia, and Erica. While I was gone on Spring Break, Sarah asked Patricia and Erica to wash their dishes before they left, they agreed and went to bed, when they woke up in the morning there was a message on the fridge that said "Sarah is overwhelmed, wash your dishes". Erica wrote her a message back that said "Why are you overwhelmed? You don't do anything but sit on the couch, I work and go to class, and Patricia works and goes to class, we said we'd do it, leave it alone" and then Erica washed the dishes. This is the area where the confusion came in, Sarah called Patricia and said that she hated herself for writing the note and that she's sorry and that she punched a hole in the wall...

Now I know I'm not the only one that heard "Everything comes in three's"; these are the other two things that have happened on campus
- This guy was found dead in his apartment last Monday, they have no idea what happened but they're saying it was natural causes and they're doing an autopsy and info STILL hasn't came back about it yet
- Campus Police shot an unarmed guy in his chest...why? we have no clue...seriously we don't know, our school president sent and email out and said he doesn't know what the deal is.
If I die...just know I ain't go out like a bitch!
Pray for me!
Pray for me!
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