Hardly home but always reppin!
I rarely go home, like only for breaks or things like that. So when I do go home, its kinda bitter sweet and always try to make the best of it.
So let me introduce you to the G-est,illest,coolest,Asian lady in the world: My grandma!
I know everybody says that about their grandma but let me give you a lil info why my grandma is THAT deal.
See why my grandma is that deal??!!
Last Saturday, I went home for my niece's birthday--she turned the BIG 1!--So ofcourse my grandma cooked a lil something for me.
my fave, salmon wraps, they're are soo good.
And I was studying and kept on hearing something, so my MONK senses kicked in and saw something I was like so OMG!
My grandma was on SKYPE!! Yeah ,SKYPE!!!
Also home was my 2 ♥'s.
So let me introduce you to the G-est,illest,coolest,Asian lady in the world: My grandma!
I know everybody says that about their grandma but let me give you a lil info why my grandma is THAT deal.
- She is up on EVERYTHANG! I mean everything. She knows what style is in, what CD to tell me to get, technology--you're gonna see below how much she is up on,lol.
- She can COOK! I don't mean the average old people shit either, I'm talking bout she watches Rachel,The Neely's, Pat on Food Network. and be throwin down!---again you're gonna see how,lol
- She on FACEBOOK! LMAO! It might sound crazy, but our family is scattered across the globe so this is how she keeps in touch
See why my grandma is that deal??!!
Last Saturday, I went home for my niece's birthday--she turned the BIG 1!--So ofcourse my grandma cooked a lil something for me.
And I was studying and kept on hearing something, so my MONK senses kicked in and saw something I was like so OMG!
Also home was my 2 ♥'s.
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